We are apurpose-driven company.
We from CARBON TURNAROUND are deeply convinced that we are living in times of a paradigm shift towards a sustainable net-zero carbon society. The concept of circularity is one of the cornerstones of such a future-proof economic system – an industrial system that is both restorative and regenerative by design.
In the past, the extremely complex nature of climate change frequently led to wrong assessments of the impact of climate change on the business of companies. Strategic decision making in the context of climate change is extremely challenging. Fortunately, wrong views are changing and thus driving the necessary transition of strategic decision making of many companies which are most vulnerable to the threats of climate change. The Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR) describes the potential exposure of companies to climate-related risks including aspects of policy risks, technological risks and physical risks. These risk categories are also unique opportunities for first movers to realize competitive advantages in order to outperform competitors. Companies that are unable to visualize their Climate VaR and stick to traditional business ways will most likely lose their competitive positioning and will go out of business sooner or later.
Academic research clearly proves that companies which pay attention to environmental social governance concerns are in most cases performing much better than companies which are unaware of such issues. They show higher equity returns, higher credit ratings, reduced downside risks as well as higher innovation rates. To be at the forefront is an evident competitive advantage in times of fundamental change of the business environment. The carbon-driven industrial revolution will trigger a variety of technical innovations and new business models.
We from CARBON TURNAROUND aim to be on the top of this transformative change. Our purpose as a company is to drive the change of our clients towards sustainability and decarbonization in order to make them leaders and winners in their competitive environment.
Did you know?
Most economists agree that the transition to a net-zero carbon society will be the main driver of our economic and social development in the decades ahead. Climate change is no longer a potential and abstract threat in the future – instead, the signs of man-made climate change are already noticeable on a global scale. Nevertheless, greenhouse gas emissions are still growing in many countries, and mankind is far away from reaching a consistent answer to mitigate disastrous climate change in the decades and centuries ahead. The remaining carbon budget to meet the climate targets of the Paris Agreement is running out in the near future, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) drastically describes in its Sixth Assessment Report.
A massive turnaround in how our economy works and how we do business is essential in order to stop both the fatal trend of increasing greenhouse gas emissions and the consequences of uncontrollable climate change.
The carbon clock is ticking
Remaining C02 budget to reach the Paris Agreement targets of maximum 1,5°C or 2°C global warming
Data provided by Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
During eras of change of the industrial paradigm, those companies that recognize the new frame conditions earlier than their competitors adapt more successfully, and they are the clear winners of such transformation processes. CARBON TURNAROUND is committed to support with first-class service our clients to become leaders in the ongoing low-carbon revolution. There is no silver bullet for decarbonization: it must be tailor-made for each client by choosing the right combination of organizational, technological and business model change for a sound business transition towards carbon neutrality.
CARBON TURNAROUND is composed of an interdisciplinary and international team of experienced engineering consultants who are strictly committed to a holistic approach as part of our service offering. We commit ourselves to a sustainable and fair turnaround of our economic system in order to transform our societies and make them fit for low-carbon economy. The private sector will play a crucial role in this transformation process, because private companies are more adaptable and innovative. Leading the low-carbon revolution will guarantee their competitive position in the upcoming decarbonized economy. As independent consulting engineers, the team of CARBON TURNAROUND is the right partner for you to stay on top of this transformation.
Our Industrial Sectors
Energy Sector
Food & Beverage
Mining Sector
Waste Industry
Manufacturing Industry
Circular Economy
Get your competitive kick by starting your sustainability transformation now!
The interdisciplinary engineering consulting team from CARBON TURNAROUND defines a specific strategy, personalized for your company. There is no “one size fits all” if we talk about sustainability transformation and decarbonization. In a holistic co-creation process together with our clients, CARBON TURNAROUND develops tailor-made solutions to make you a sustainability leader in your sector with significantly enhanced competitive capacities.