CARBON TURNAROUND recently joined the Low Carbon Business Network (LCBA) for Latin America

We are proud to announce that CARBON TURNAROUND recently joined the EU financed Low Carbon Business Network for Latin America. This program is aiming to bring together European CleanTech supplier with clients in several Latin American markets like in Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

The goal is to promote the sustainable transition of companies to a low carbon and circular economy in Latin America by using leading European CleanTech solutions. This technology transfer-focused program is aiming to help Latin America to comply with it´s NDC obligations based on the Paris Agreement. LCBA focuses on strategic sectors in Latin America that account for most of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions like the energy sector, mining, agroindustry or manufacturing industry.

The program allows to facilitate the development of B2B relations between EU providers of low carbon technologies and companies, it gives strategic and legal advice for European companies from the CleanTech sector how to do business in these markets and offers co-financing support for the implementation of feasibility studies in order to help to demonstrate the feasibility of European CleanTech solutions in Latin America. We from CARBON TURNAROUND are glad to be part of this very relevant program and are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation with the Low Carbon Business Network and with our new clients in Latin America!