Car4U Carsharing project development for the city of Santiago de Chile

In 2014 and 2015, Herwig was developing as a founder the first carsharing project, Car4U, for the city of Santiago de Chile. Santiago always has enormous traffic jam and pollution problems resulting from an unsustainable traffic system. Carsharing was identified as one measure to make a contribution to a more sustainable transport system. In the development phase of this project, Herwig made a techno-economic analysis of potential and suitable technology providers, an analysis about consumer acceptance regarding tariff schemes, a selection of appropriate locations for carsharing stations, as well as socio-economic studies about the willingness of potential users to use a carsharing system. Sponsorship partnerships were shaped with partners from the retail sector and with operators of gas filling stations. However, following the finalization of the project development, negotiations with potential investors to finance the implementation of the developed Car4U project did not lead to the expected result, and therefore the project was sold to local investors.