CARBON TURNAROUND recently did join the PREVENT Waste Alliance, a global platform to promote circular economy concepts in developing countries.

CARBON TURNAROUND is continuing to broaden its global network in the circular economy sector. By joining the PREVENT Waste Alliance we are becoming part of a global platform, developed by the German federal government, to link leading actors globally, which are working towards a shared vision, a global economy based on circularity concepts. Especially in developing countries there is a need for new innovative behavioural concepts as well as for proper technological solutions, in order to initiate a transformation towards circularity. We in CARBON TURNAROUND see circularity as the key concept for a true and sustainable decarbonization of our economies. Developing nations have the chance to avoid wrong developing concepts of already industrialized countries by using up to date circularity concepts and technologies for their economic development. The PREVENT Waste Alliance is leveraging on existing synergies to promote international collaboration for the sake of a truly sustainable transformation of our economies towards circularity. CARBON TURNAROUND is proud to be part of the PREVENT Waste Alliance to work together on this common goal!