CARBON TURNAROUND in close alliance with its partner company CHRISTOF GLOBAL IMPACT and co-financed by the German Development Bank KfW DEG did finalize an in-depth feasibility study about the implementation of the BSF insect technology in the Peruvian Amazon region.

Since 2021 CARBON TURNAROUND is closely cooperating with one of the leading engineering companies in the field of organic waste management with the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) technology for organic waste management, the company CHRISTOF GLOBAL IMPACT. Together a strategic alliance was established to introduce this promising technology in Latin America and beyond in order to transform unused organic waste in insect protein for the production of animal feed. Beside high-valued protein also several sub-products, like organic fertilizer and insect oil, are generated what make the business case for insect protein even more promising. Between Sept. 2022 and July 2023 CARBON TURNAROUND and CHRISTOF GLOBAL IMPACT did undertake a very detailed feasibility study how this technology can be implemented in the Peruvian Amazon region in order to solve several environmental problems related to organic waste and on the other hand provide locally produced high quality protein for the emerging sustainable aquaculture industry in the Amazon basin. The BSF insect technology is a multitalent for fulfilling the UN Sustainability Development Goal and is especially for the Amazon region an ideal solution to promote the transformation of the local economy towards sustainability and decarbonization. Currently all the organic waste from cities, agriculture and villages is dumped and is provoking serious environmental problems like high methane emissions, ground water contamination and ozone formation. Additional to that currently fish feed is transported from the coast over the Andes mountains with a high carbon footprint and with elevated costs, what results for the local aquaculture industry in a heavy disadvantage. Locally produced insect protein can be produced with local organic resources at a significant lower price than imported fish meal protein and additional to that provide green local job opportunities and is contributing therefore to a reduction of the pressure on natural resource extraction practises like illegal fishing, poaching, gold mining or coca plant plantations. The local production of protein will also contribute to significantly reduce the high malnutrition of indigenous communities by improving food safety.
The finalized feasibility study is based on a tailor-made solution for the implementation of the BSF insect technology in the complete Peruvian Amazon region. The results of this study are very promising and are proofing that the BSF insect technology is an ideal solution for the current problems related to organic waste and the lack of competitive fish feed. The next step is the implementation of several small-scale pilot plants to demonstrate the feasibility of this technology under local conditions and to generate data for the design of the larger industrial plants, which will be build as a following step.
The BSF Insect technology is also perfectly matching with the recently by the presidents of all Amazon sharing countries signed “Belém Declaration” in which 113 action points for the protection and development of the Amazon basin have been defined. Sustainable Aquaculture and the development of a bioeconomy based on sustainable use of local resources are key pillars of this declaration and 100% aligned with the proposed BSF insect solution for the Peruvian Amazon region.

CARBON TURNAROUND together with its Partner company TÜV-SÜD did recently finalize the SDG Assessment for the Austrian company GLORYFY.

CARBON TURNAROUND has a strategic partnership with the German certifier specialist TÜV-SÜD in the field of SDG Assessment for private companies. TÜV-SÜD did develop a sophisticated methodology based on the 17 UN Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) in order to make the sustainability performance of private companies measurable. Recently we could successfully finalize such type of sustainability assessment for the Austrian company GLORYFY, a specialized eyewear manufacturer, who is using a patented special plastic, which results in unbreakable eyewear. Pressure from clients and investors is increasing and GLORYFY contracted CARBON TURNAROUND and the TÜV-SÜD to undertake a in-depth sustainability assessment based on the SDG´s in order to make the sustainability performance of GLORYFY measurable. The TÜV-SÜD methodology allows to cover the full spectrum of sustainability and determines the contribution of companies to reach the global SDG´s. The methodology is completely transparent and verifiable and can therefore avoid unjustified sustainability claims, a common problem of SDG assessments. The results of the SDG assessment shows that GLORYFY is on an excellent track to become a top-runner eyewear manufacturer in terms of sustainability. We hope to repeat this SDG assessment for GLORYFY yearly in order to allow to measure the results of the identified and proposed sustainability actions of the SDG assessment continuously.